Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m. Service
One of the historical “mottos” of Mission Springs Church of God has always been, “Where Salvation Makes You a Member.” Not having a humanly-constructed “membership” creates an environment wherein any individual believer can both experience and enjoy the common bond of Christian unity without the restrictiveness of man-made membership lists and ledgers. If you are a born-again Christ-follower, we extend the hand of fellowship and membership to you, and invite you to experience Christian unity with us.
If you perhaps find yourself seeking or curious about the existence or presence of God in the world or in your life, we extend an open door to you as well.
The main weekly gathering takes place each Sunday morning at 10:30am. This is a family worship time – we embrace participants of all ages. To begin with, we join in a time of congregational worship in song that then leads into an expositional study of Scripture.